Founded in 2004, we are a company dedicated to research, develop, produce and market information systems in the different Smart Card technologies. Generating added value with customized solutions for both hardware and software according to the needs of each client and / or project.


To be an agile company, more competitive every day, whose fundamental axis is the research and development of comprehensive, effective, reliable and excellent quality solutions using cutting-edge technologies to help solve the needs and expectations of our clients, generating added value in your processes with flexible products and services.


Getting our clients to identify and recognize us as their strategic allies, managing to position ourselves in the national market and grow with our eyes always on the Latin American markets.

Exclusive distributors for Colombia

Advanced Card Systems Ltd., is the leading provider in Asia Pacific and one of the top 3 global providers of smart card readers. ACS develops a wide range of high-quality smart card read / write devices, smart cards and related products, and distribution to more than 100 countries worldwide.

A leader in the smart card industry, ACS has the technology, experience and global resources to facilitate the adoption of smart card applications in different industries around the world.

Authorized distributors for Colombia

HID Global is the world leader in products, services, solutions, and insights related to creating, managing, and using secure identities for millions of customers worldwide. Recognized for its robust quality, innovative designs and industry leadership, HID Global is the most trusted provider for physical access control; IT security, which includes strong authentication and credential management; card personalization; visitor management; Government identification; and RFID identification technologies used in LaserCard® animal identification and logistics and industrial applications. The company's main brands include ActivID®, EasyLobby®, FARGO®, IdenTrust®, Lumidigm® and HID®. Based in Austin, Texas, HID Global has more than 3,000 employees worldwide and operates international offices that support more than 100 countries.

Representative experiences

• Issuance of 500,000 smart cards for the Medellín Metro –Cívica Azul Card.
• Supply of 1,200,000 smart cards for the Medellín Metro –Cívica Verde Card.
• Identification processes for more than 200,000 users in some of the most important universities in the city: University of Antioquia, Eafit, UPB, CES, Esumer, Colegiatura Colombia, TdeA, Pascual Bravo, Unisabaneta, among others.
• Bogotá Capital citizen card - District Ministry of Finance with enrollment of footprint for 50,000 users.